Author: Silvio Carrillo

Journal, News

The Curfew cont.

No cabbies would pick us up and we were at least a 25 minute ride from our hotel. Then the guys with us noticed a police vehicle patrolling to make sure everyone followed the curfew. So Alfredo “badass” DeLara (cameraman) waves them down and tells them we´re stuck without a ride home and that we´re

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Journal, News

Honduras –The Curfew

This was kind of amusing but wouln´t have been had I not been around to write about it… So on Wednesday we shoot all day in La Esperanza, Honduras about three hours from the capitol Tegucigalpa. Alfredo and I basically stay up all night trying to send our story back via the interwebs and this

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Journal, News

Honduras — from the “quebrando news” van

Headed out of Sna Pedro to the town of El Progreso where the military-backed president is from. It’s surrounded by banana plantation. Very few people support him there. Amusingly enough we ended up driving past his house — pink in color but then again many are here. There were soldiers hanging out in the front

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Journal, News

Honduras — the coup

It’s sad that I find myself in Honduras — the country where half of my family is from — covering this coup or whatever the state department lawyers want to call it. To see these kinds of schemes that harken back to the days of the cold war and John Foster Dulles/CIA running roughshod over

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